^B{^#!16!9 April^N! Feast day of St Madrun, St Uramar, St Hugh of Rouen, St Gaucherius, St Mary Cleophas, and St Waldetrudis.
^B{1747^B} The Scottish Jacobite Lord Lovat was beheaded on Tower Hill, London, for high treason; he was the last man to be executed in this way in Britain. ^B{1770^B} English navigator James Cook arrived in Botany Bay, Australia, the first European to do so. ^B{1865^B} The American Civil War came to an end when Confederate General Robert E Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S Grant, at Appomatox, Virginia. ^B{1869^B} The Hudson Bay Company agreed to transfer its territory to Canada. ^B{1917^B} In France, during World War I, Canadian forces began the assault on Vimy Ridge, and the Battle of Arras began. ^B{1969^B} The British supersonic aircraft ^I{Concorde^I} made its first test flight, from Bristol to Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}Isambard Kingdom Brunel, English engineer, ^B{1806^B}; Charles Baudelaire, French poet, ^B{1821^B}; Paul Robeson, US actor and singer, ^B{1898^B}; Hugh Gaitskell, British politician, ^B{1906^B}; Jean-Paul Belmondo, French film actor, ^B{1933^B}; Severiano Ballesteros, Spanish golfer, ^B{1957^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Edward IV of England, ^B{1483^B}; Lorenzo de'Medici, Florentine ruler, ^B{1492^B}; Francis Bacon, English philosopher and politician, ^B{1626^B}; Dante Gabriel Rosetti, English painter and poet, ^B{1882^B}; Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German theologian, ^B{1945^B}; Frank Lloyd Wright, US architect, ^B{1959^B}.